I’m going through changes…

It’s been two years since I launched this platform and I thank you for your support. Over the next couple of months you’ll be seeing a few changes and a lot more edgy content pushed through the That Opinion Guy content channels with the more intensive work finding a new home in newsletter form in a new home called Circuit Bored.

Why am I doing this?

That Opinion Guy was never set up for monetising because I want at least one tiny corner of the internet to be commercial free, straight talking content that speaks to the heart of the real-world issues facing society.

Circuit Bored is more straight up technology news and industry analysis that takes a little more time and effort than a quick rant or kneejerk reaction. That time and effort is taken from what I budget for breadwinning work.

What will change?

Nothing, really. In-between client work and research there’ll be plenty time for the semi-regular posting of comment and reaction with a few reviews and other content that lives outside of technology coverage. The YouTube channel and Podcast will still be active and free, only the newsletter will be put behind a paywall at some time – and your support will be appreciated.

Thank you for continuing on this journey of increased news literacy and intense scrutiny of the world around us. I hope to always be in your service.

About That OG 476 Articles
Lindsey is on a mission to make the world a better place, one scorching take at a time.