OVRCLKD 58: the groovecast

South Africa’s most accessible consumer technology podcast tries hard to not talk about the Google Pixel 4 that won’t be coming here, laments the state of Cell C, is happy that Standard Bank was stopped from selling dodgy data, and gives you the best sub-R5000 smartphone options for 2019. Also, Gavin raves about Rocketbooks. Best budget phones: http://techmagazine.co.za/best-of-budget-phones-2019/

Rocketbooks: https://getrocketbook.co.za/collections/the-notebooks?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_5rtBRDxARIsAJfxvYDJvunYL3bJ2uChgDYFYCjHh6IfNfU1UihKut-KZDLPICRXoXRq5k0aAnaNEALw_wcB

Follow Gavin at https://facebook.com/TechMagazineZA/
Find Lindsey at http://thatopinionguy.co.za or @SharpSchutters on twitter.
Email us at overclocked@gmail.com

Produced by Lindsey Schutters
Music by Lindsey Schutters
Mixed on Samsung Galaxy S10
Recorded on iPad Pro + Samson Go Mic

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unencrypted/message

About That OG 476 Articles
Lindsey is on a mission to make the world a better place, one scorching take at a time.